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It happens now and then that people contact me and express how happy they are with my tutorials or site. I want to thank all these kind people, because they inspire me to continue with Lunacore.com, which is to share my knowledge about Photoshop and art and to encourage people to continue to remove all the obstacles on their road to conquer Photoshop.

Photoshop is not an easy program to learn and for many people buying books or other educational material is not an option, because of financial reasons. People who know me, know that I love Photoshop and maybe that's the main reason why I'm so eager to share everything I know about this program.

I don't call Lunacore a tutorial site, I look at Lunacore as an educational site. Teaching people how to use Photoshop is one thing, but getting people excited is another thing that shouldn't be underestimated. When I read the reactions that people sent me, then I know that my efforts have made a difference to many.

Thank you all for the inspiration you've given me!




Thanks so much for the very detailed tutorial on creating clouds in Photoshop. It was so helpful, and quickly got me to the result I was trying to achieve. I really appreciate you sharing such great knowledge.  
Thomas, USA

I just don’t know how to appreciate, 'Lunacore'!
I have recently found your site, and I don’t hesitate to say that your tutorials are awesome.” Just stumbling across Photoshop tutorials in Goggle search today while searching for a blemishes removing tactic, that I found the smooth skin tutorial “BEST Tutorials" in Lunacore. I have trying to do this for long ago but the outcome has been unnatural, aberrant and deviant. I found a way to do it but it was pretty tough, complicated and takes hours for a single photo. The way you have instructed in your tutorial takes a few minutes and the consequences are much better. So I would find it among my bookmarks… Thanks billions of billion for the incredible quality tutorials on your site. . . My favorite or better to say all others favorite tutorial is the smooth skin one, because your tutorials are intellectual, well executed, and very straightforward to follow and understand.
Finally I would like to thank you again for you saved my precise time with your golden tutorials.

Gh. Ali Ehsani, Afghanistan

I just wanted to tell you, 'Lunacore', that you write the BEST tutorials I have ever seen.  And I don't just mean in Photoshop.  I mean overall.  In my few years of tinkering with Photoshop, I have hundreds of bookmarks of tutorials.  I have your site here listed (from a long time ago before I knew who exactly did what around here) as " -- BEST Tutorials" so I can always find it among my bookmarks.

Just wanted to say thanks for the incredible quality tutorials on your site.  Just stumbled across lunacore today while searching for an explosion effect methodology.  Yours was by far the best that I've seen - and produced the best result - so far.  Then I saw the water droplet tutorial (another effect I had previously been looking for some decent instruction on) and it was SO simple with the steps you laid out.  Even a self-taught PS hack like me was able to follow it easily.  Thanks again! 
Kelly, Canada

Thank you for the very best photoshop tutorials on the Internet.  There aren't any others even close.    My favorite tutorial is the smooth skin one. I have trying to do this for months but the results have been unnatural looking.   I found a way to do it but it is painstaking and takes hours for a single photo.   This new way takes a few minutes and the results are much better. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I can't afford to buy books or videos and your site is a godsend. Other tutorials are out there but they are simplistic, incomplete, inane in many cases, and some are downright stupid and juvenile.   Your tutorials are intelligent, well executed, and very easy to follow and understand. In addition, the way you go about touching up things shows an understanding of photoshop far beyond those of other "experts?"  Your touch-ups are sensible and the methods are different than the run of the mill, providing far more realistic results. If you guys ever put together a video for touching up photos (to make
them look better  - not to do weird and unnatural things to them) I would scrape the money together to buy it.

Just a short note to thank you for your tutorials and, more important, to thank you for making them available without registrations/tricks/hard-sell. They’re very helpful and clear -- a real contribution to the online photographic community, and I appreciate the effort you put into them.

"Thank you soooooo much for your tut! I have recently switched from another app to PS2 - and the going is  tough! Your Tuts make it a wonderful experience! The Best ones out there! Trust me I have been around the tutorial block!"

"I'm from Portugal and I just found your tutorials. They're really great! I did the glass ball and it really turn out fine. I think it was the best tutorial I ever saw. Very good indeed."
José, Portugal

"Thank you very much for this tutorial. You saved my day!!! "

I just wanted to compliment the author(s) of this tutorial.  I am a teacher, and I would share this tutorial with my students.  Great work!

"Thanks a lot of giving a wonderful tutorial on glass ball. it is really amazing."

"Thank you, one of the best tutorials I have ever seen…"

I did your tutorial called ''glass ball'' and let me start by saying i loved it! I've done many tutorials, and this one is one of the best i have ever seen."
Jonas, Denmark

"it was a great tutorial and i enjoyed it too much. specially the one which makes transparent ball.... i also liked the link you have given in training..those are too nice.. i hope u reshuffle ur page and bring some new exciting tutorials. thanks again."

"Removing a blue haze" s an awesome tut, you guys! Much thanks for that!"
‘Fat Tony’

"I have just been brushing up on my photoshop skills for a job interview tomorrow and have found your tutorials very very good. I have actaully learnt heaps in one day - and will be much more confident when in the interview."

"Hi ! I am Vinh Quan ,I’m from Viet Nam.thanks for your great tutorials. I have visited your web.and I think it is very useful for those begin clearning Ps. Now and later ,I always expect your great tutorials.here is my practice after clearning your tutorials. Thank and best regard!"
Vinh Quan, Vietnam

"Really enjoyed doing the glass ball tutorial. I take my hat of to the chap who devised this.The instructions,they were pretty easy to follow.Must admit to taking one or two shortcuts."
Dave, Scotland

"I have recently found your site, and I must say the tutorials are awesome."

"Thank you for those great tutorials you have on your website. They have been a great learning experience to me. Once again thank you. "

"Thanks a lot for the tutorial.Easy and good explanation. Please continue."

"Your tutorials are just awesome, great job!"

"Thanks Lunacore for the tutorials, step by step instruction, very easy to follow. "

"I am Prabesh and I am from Nepal. I am a beginner using Photoshop. I have learnt Photoshop through tutorials posted in the web. I like your site very much, the tutorials posted in your site has helped me understand photoshop better. Lunacore is the best tutorial site I've ever visited. "
Prabesh, Nepal

"Very nice! And it was a realy good description and a very good result :) thanks "

"Just done your glass ball tutorial in Photoshop CS, and it really is one of the best I`ve ever done ! Your instructions were clear and concise, and very easy to follow. Thank you for a very enjoyable tutorial."

"I would just like to say that your glass ball tutorial is absolute genius. I love it."

That was absolutely amazing. You are a god among insects when it comes to Photoshop. Kudos to you!

I Tirath H Mistry is very big friend of your website. Thank you very much for providing us such a useful tutorial. Before visiting of your website I am not very well aware of photoshop and its effect. But help of your superb web tutorial now I got lots of knowledge about photoshop and its effect. My most favorite effect is water droplet effect its very simple and attractive. Godbless to you and thankyou for putting this magic on web. Keep going.



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